ISSN: 2277-5277

Issue Information

Pages: 274 | First Published: March 2017


Joint Editors: Saba Anish and Dr. Pinky Das

Pages: 3-4

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The postcolonial sequel: form and disillusion in the novels of Tahmima Anam

Dr. Ulka Anjaria

Pages: 9-25

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Women's Body and Capitalist Space: A reading of Mahasweta's "Douloti the Bountiful"

Pharmenash Ch Marak and Dr. Dwijen Sharma

Pages: 26-32

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Assam women: Bearing the burnt of insurgency

Rani Pathak Das

Pages: 33-43

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Higher Education for girls in the North East India

Bineeta Dutta

Pages: 44-50

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Uproar Over Nirbhaya and Aftermath: A review on news and articles

Dr. Bimal Barah

Pages: 51-55

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To Change the patriarchal mindset for a better human civilisation

Dr. Mouchumi Konwar Borgohain

Pages: 56-61

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Mapping Gender and conflict with special reference to Aruni Kashyap's "The house with a thousand stories"

Anmona Bora

Pages: 62-68

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Conflict Situation: an ordeal for survival and dignity on reading Nalini Jameela's "The Autobiography of a sex worker"

Mayuri Sharma Baruah

Pages: 69-76

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Conflict and Its Consequences: A case study of Assam Nagaland border

Dr. Minakshi P Hazarika

Pages: 77-84

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The Women of Manipur: Performing the naked protest

Logna Bezbaruah

Pages: 85-94

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Women's Experiences and memories of war in Birendra Kumar Bhattacharyya's Love in the times of insurgency and Sorraya Khan's Noor

Esther Daimari

Pages: 95-105

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Endurance, Endurance and Emancipation : Women in Khaled Hosseini's "A thousand splendid sun"

Abrona Lee Pandi Aden

Pages: 106-116

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বৈধব্য় যন্ত্ৰনাৰ জীৱন্ত দস্তাবেজ - "দঁতাল হাতীৰ উঁয়ে খোৱা হাওদাত প্ৰতিফলিত নাৰীমনৰ দ্বন্দ্ব" - এক চমু আলোচনা

Binita Bhuyan

Pages: 117-124

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The Faces of Domestic Violence: an overview

Dr. Jolly Borthakur

Pages: 125-134

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Struggle and Liberation Towards Selfhood: Reading Alice Walker's "The Colour Purple"

Nandini Choudhury Bora

Pages: 135-139

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Women, Conflict and Culture in Buchi Emecheta's The joy of Motherhood

Deepanjali Baruah

Pages: 140-144

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নীলকণ্ঠী ব্ৰজত প্ৰতিফলিত বৈধব্য় যন্ত্ৰনা

Dr. Sabita Kalita

Pages: 145-148

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Women Empowerment and human rights of women in India with special reference to Assam

Jintumoni Phukan and Mousumi Borah

Pages: 149-156

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Third Gender : A social enigma

Dr. Anil Ch. Gogoi

Pages: 157-164

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Health Status of women labourers in some tea plantations of Titabar area of Jorhat district, Assam

Dhiramani Bhuyan

Pages: 165-169

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Wither Kuntala, Bandita, Anurupa? Wo(e)manhood and the world of Bhabendra Nath Saikia's short stories

Mushrifa Ibrahim

Pages: 170-176

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Dislocated Subjects: The story of widows in present day society in the light of the novel "Neelakanthi Braja"

Dr. Pritima Sharma

Pages: 177-182

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White Standards as conflict against black women in The bluest eye by Tony Morrison

Parthiv Nandan Saikia

Pages: 183-188

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Alcohol-fuelled violance by men and its impact on family, with special refetence to the wives of alcoholics

Kalyan Das, Pallwabee Duarah

Pages: 189-195

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Violence and Women: An Indian perspective

Dr. Rashmi Rekha Saikia

Pages: 196-201

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Women as a Victim of Conflict

Devjani Borah, Sarangapani Phukan

Pages: 202-205

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যুগে যুগে লাঞ্ছিতা নাৰী

Haresh Dutta

Pages: 206-212

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Fire on the Soul: Quest for freedom through silent revolt: Exploration of women psyche in Dawn and Felanee

Arup Patangia Kalita - Priyakshi Saikia

Pages: 213-219

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বৰ্তমান সময়ৰ গোষ্ঠিগত সংঘৰ্ষ আৰু নাৰী নিৰ্যাতন

Amrita Bora

Pages: 220-224

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Role of Education in eradication of violance against women

Bidisha Borchetia

Pages: 225-229

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Women and Conflict in selected short stories of Kate Chopin

Ratnasree Borthakur

Pages: 230-233

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Gender-Based Violence and its implications on women's social security and rights in Pakistan

Farzia Yashmeen

Pages: 234-253

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Blame Game: When will it End?

Deepashri Kaushik

Pages: 254-258

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The Identity Conflict and position of Assamese women in the medieval Assamese society: A historic perspective

Biraj Jyoti Kalita

Pages: 259-264

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Crime Against Women in Assam and Safeguards

Dr. Pinky Das

Pages: 265-270

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Does Trauma Matter? A peet into Fatima Bhutto's The shadow of the Crescent Moon

Saba Anish

Pages: 271-280

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