ISSN: 2277-5277

 vol 3 cover page 460x600


March 2017

Joint Editors
Saba Anish
Dr. Pinky Das

Assistant Editors
Mustafa Ibrahim
Papumoni Hazarika
Dr. Rashmi Rekha Saikia

Editorial Advisory Board:
Ms. Binita Dutta, Principal(Retd), Post Graduate Training College, Jorhat
Dr. Bimal Borah, Principal, J.B. College(Autonomous), Jorhat
Anmon Bora, Associate Professor, Department of English, J.B. College(Autonomous), Jorhat
Dr. Sumitra Purkayastha, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, J.B. College(Autonomous), Jorhat
Nandini Choudhury Bora, Associate Professor, Department of English, J.B. College(Autonomous), Jorhat

Cover Design:
Debabrata Mahanta, Jorhat


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