ISSN: 2277-5277

Srotaswini is a Peer-Reviewed Bienniel Bilingual Research Journal published under the aegis of the J.B.College Women Cell which aims to provide a space to disseminate multidisciplinary academic research centering on women-related issues. Since its inception in 2013, it has been publishing relevant articles related to the condition and status of women, recovering women’s history and writings with a view to empowering them. Each issue of Srotaswini deals with a particular broad theme along with sub-themes and the authors/contributors have sought to highlight the theme of each volume through multidimensional perspectives.

The scope of the journal seeks to ensure the advancement of the status of women and the dismantling of the systems and ideologies which keep them subordinate. The onus is on changing the mindset related to gender with the socio-cultural definition given to women and men which determine their rights and responsibilities, work, and space. The four volumes of Srotaswini have dealt with broad themes like women and conflict, women in multicultural spaces, contested conceptions of gender, and gender as an analytical category. Most of the articles of the journal point to the interplay of gender with other markers of social positioning like class, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation, etc.

The journal aims to address key characteristics of women studies like Interdisciplinarity, Nonconformity, and Reflectivity and at the same time, it seeks to include themes of debate and concern on re-positionings, domains of power, governance, legality, social/geographical mobility, scientific/technological engagements and familial relations in India and abroad.


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